When: Friday, March 24, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Pinnacle Golf Club in Grove City
Tickets: Single tickets can be purchased for $50 per ticket or a table of 10 can be purchased for $750/table from any Foundation board member or school office.
What: Pasta buffet dinner and non-alcoholic beverages provided, cash bar available. Enjoy time with friends and colleagues, enter to win raffle baskets, 50/50 raffle and for prizes given away every 15 minutes!
Entries are 5 entries for $10, 15 entries for $20, 50 entries for $50 and 120 entries for $100.
If you’re not attending the event and want to buy raffle tickets or want to pre-buy before the event, complete the below form and enter the number of tickets per raffle basket.
Your entry is not complete until payment is received. Payment can be made through the Foundation’s Zelle Account or by mailing a check. Once payment is received, you will receive a confirmation email from the Foundation.
Zelle Payment
Email: [email protected]
First Name:Teays Valley
Last Name: Educational Foundation
Memo: raffle tickets and your name as entered on this form
Check Payment: mail to
PO Box 146
Ashville, OH 43013
Find a raffle basket ticket selling board member at the event, pay for your preferred amount of tickets, and drop them into the coordinating bucket for your baskets of choice. Winners will be drawn on Friday, March 24 during the in-person fundraising event. Winners must not be present, additional pick up date/location options for winners will be provided.
Winners will be drawn on Friday, March 24 during the in-person fundraising event. Winners must not be present, additional pick up date/location options for winners will be provided.
© 2025Teays Valley Educational Foundation. Page by Small Tycoon